For over 120 years, Central Seminary in the Kansas City metropolitan area has lived out its mission to equip and empower present and future ministry leaders to seek God, shape church, and serve humanity and all creation.
In today’s world, ministry roles are more unique and creative than ever before. Whether a student desires to serve in a traditional church setting or serve through a nonprofit organization or business, our innovative programs and expert faculty help students craft a compelling vision for their future and be prepared to lead in times of change.
At Central, students become transformative leaders called to live a more meaningful and dynamic life through ministry innovation, prayer, compassionate work, and empathic action.
Central Seminary offers low tuition rates and institutional scholarship assistance is available to all degree-seeking students. Individualized payment plans are also available for all students.
Central Seminary is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission and the Association of Theological Schools in the United States and Canada.
Most programs are offered fully online through live sessions which offers real-time interaction and collaboration with faculty and other students. All our online theological programs are carefully curated and leverage the latest innovations to bring the same high-quality educational experience to students at every level in any location.
Online education gives you the ability to build a convenient schedule that compliments other responsibilities in your life. This format allows you to progress through your program at your own pace and from anywhere in the world. Whether you are interested in earning academic credit or pursuing non-credit programs, you can take advantage of a seamless admissions and registration process that makes it easy to get started.
Central Seminary is a truly diverse institution. Students come from all around the world, representing many different denominations and religious traditions. Central Seminary offers cutting-edge academic programs in a wide range of subjects and languages, catering to students with a variety of educational backgrounds and interests.
Students are encouraged to have our own opinion. We are allowed to have our own understanding. And we are trained to find sources to support that opinion.
Shiwon Park
MDiv Alum - Korean program
From day one I meshed with people in my class. We developed a relationship and trust. And with my instructors…were authentic and vulnerable, and they were so welcoming.
Staci Cooper
Current Student, MDiv
I believe that the work Central does to keep down costs is a huge part of their faithful service to the Church. Most of us will not get rich as pastors. When we graduate from seminary without huge debt, we can more easily focus on the ministries to which we are called.
Joanna Harader
MDiv Alum
Step into your calling—explore ministry programs offered in English, Korean, online, and onsite at Central Seminary.
The Doctor of Ministry (DMin) in Creative Leadership program is perfect for entrepreneurial individuals who want to take the next step in their seminary education. Expert instructors and specialized curricula will help innovative students develop a unique vision for sustainable change in ministry.
한국어로 목회학 박사 과정 수료를 희망하신다면 저희 센트럴 신학대학원을 찾으십시오. 센트럴 신학대학원은 한국 학생들을 위한, ‘선교적 교회’에 중점을 둔 목회학 박사 과정을 운영합니다. 전세계 사역 현장에 있는 목회자분들은 리더십과 창조성에 중점을 둔 저희 센트럴의 혁신적인 교육과정을 통해 배움의 기회를 얻고 센트럴의 포용적인 사역 문화에 매료되실 것입니다.
The online divinity program provides an advanced, practical theological education for experienced ministers, chaplains, and other faith leaders who hold the Master of Divinity degree or equivalent.
한국어로 목회학 박사 과정 수료를 희망하신다면 저희 센트럴 신학대학원을 찾으십시오. 센트럴 신학대학원은 한국 학생들을 위한, ‘선교적 교회’에 중점을 둔 목회학 박사 과정을 운영합니다. 전세계 사역 현장에 있는 목회자분들은 리더십과 창조성에 중점을 둔 저희 센트럴의 혁신적인 교육과정을 통해 배움의 기회를 얻고 센트럴의 포용적인 사역 문화에 매료되실 것입니다.
Are you a Korean speaker looking to pursue a Doctor of Ministry at Central Seminary? If so, we offer a Doctor of Ministry in Missional Church Studies. At Central Seminary, students from all over the world come to study ministry with an emphasis on leadership and creativity.
한국어로 목회학 박사 과정 수료를 희망하신다면 저희 센트럴 신학대학원을 찾으십시오. 센트럴 신학대학원은 한국 학생들을 위한, ‘선교적 교회’에 중점을 둔 목회학 박사 과정을 운영합니다. 전세계 사역 현장에 있는 목회자분들은 리더십과 창조성에 중점을 둔 저희 센트럴의 혁신적인 교육과정을 통해 배움의 기회를 얻고 센트럴의 포용적인 사역 문화에 매료되실 것입니다.
The MDiv at Central Seminary is a good fit for students who want to develop a deeper knowledge of theological studies while seeking personal growth and mastering applied ministry skills. After completing the degree program, students will be able to perform effective ministry functions using the competencies gained through the four main pillars of the program: interpretation, contextualization, performance, and formation.
Central Seminary’s hybrid in-person and online Master of Arts in Counseling (MACO) is an accredited program that equips students to become a Licensed Professional Counselor. Our professors are scholar-practitioners who are steeped in theory and equipped to translate that theory into clinical practice.
The Master of Arts (Theological Studies) focuses on helping students improve their research and communication-based knowledge and skills. The program also provides opportunities to strengthen their interpersonal and leadership contexts. Students also choose between two areas of emphasis: Biblical Studies or Peacemaking/Reconciliation, which culminates in a capstone project.
The characteristics of a Missional Church emphasize the building of the Church as the place where Christians are trained to better reach the people in their communities. In this degree program offered only in Korean, students learn best-practice methodologies for strengthening congregational health that align with classical theological disciplines.
Interested in becoming a skilled caregiver for your church and community? Our Master’s program prepares Christian caregivers and counselors to offer empathy, listening, and coaching to hurting people. Learn effective helping theories and develop your skills to serve God and others.
The chaplaincy certificates provide a basic theological and biblical foundation for any person who desires the skills necessary to be a better spiritual caregiver in their professional and personal life. Students can choose the Graduate Certificate or the Professional Certificate in Chaplaincy.
Whether your focus is on racial injustice, economic inequality, the climate crisis, war and violence, or any other issue that affects our society today, this certificate program will equip you with the tools you need to be a leader in peace and justice ministry. With coursework focused on conflict resolution, peacebuilding, and social change, you will gain the knowledge and skills necessary to make an impact within your community.
Take the first step in your seminary education with our Diploma programs. Begin your journey towards ministry roles with a well-balanced theology curriculum that focuses on core knowledge, communication, and leadership outcomes.
Students will be prepared to live a dedicated Christian life in church and daily life through courses to pursue their Diploma. This program is offered in Korean.
The Doctor of Ministry (DMin) in Creative Leadership program is perfect for entrepreneurial individuals who want to take the next step in their seminary education. Expert instructors and specialized curricula will help innovative students develop a unique vision for sustainable change in ministry.
한국어로 목회학 박사 과정 수료를 희망하신다면 저희 센트럴 신학대학원을 찾으십시오. 센트럴 신학대학원은 한국 학생들을 위한, ‘선교적 교회’에 중점을 둔 목회학 박사 과정을 운영합니다. 전세계 사역 현장에 있는 목회자분들은 리더십과 창조성에 중점을 둔 저희 센트럴의 혁신적인 교육과정을 통해 배움의 기회를 얻고 센트럴의 포용적인 사역 문화에 매료되실 것입니다.
The online divinity program provides an advanced, practical theological education for experienced ministers, chaplains, and other faith leaders who hold the Master of Divinity degree or equivalent.
한국어로 목회학 박사 과정 수료를 희망하신다면 저희 센트럴 신학대학원을 찾으십시오. 센트럴 신학대학원은 한국 학생들을 위한, ‘선교적 교회’에 중점을 둔 목회학 박사 과정을 운영합니다. 전세계 사역 현장에 있는 목회자분들은 리더십과 창조성에 중점을 둔 저희 센트럴의 혁신적인 교육과정을 통해 배움의 기회를 얻고 센트럴의 포용적인 사역 문화에 매료되실 것입니다.
Are you a Korean speaker looking to pursue a Doctor of Ministry at Central Seminary? If so, we offer a Doctor of Ministry in Missional Church Studies. At Central Seminary, students from all over the world come to study ministry with an emphasis on leadership and creativity.
한국어로 목회학 박사 과정 수료를 희망하신다면 저희 센트럴 신학대학원을 찾으십시오. 센트럴 신학대학원은 한국 학생들을 위한, ‘선교적 교회’에 중점을 둔 목회학 박사 과정을 운영합니다. 전세계 사역 현장에 있는 목회자분들은 리더십과 창조성에 중점을 둔 저희 센트럴의 혁신적인 교육과정을 통해 배움의 기회를 얻고 센트럴의 포용적인 사역 문화에 매료되실 것입니다.
The MDiv at Central Seminary is a good fit for students who want to develop a deeper knowledge of theological studies while seeking personal growth and mastering applied ministry skills. After completing the degree program, students will be able to perform effective ministry functions using the competencies gained through the four main pillars of the program: interpretation, contextualization, performance, and formation.
Central Seminary’s hybrid in-person and online Master of Arts in Counseling (MACO) is an accredited program that equips students to become a Licensed Professional Counselor. Our professors are scholar-practitioners who are steeped in theory and equipped to translate that theory into clinical practice.
The Master of Arts (Theological Studies) focuses on helping students improve their research and communication-based knowledge and skills. The program also provides opportunities to strengthen their interpersonal and leadership contexts. Students also choose between two areas of emphasis: Biblical Studies or Peacemaking/Reconciliation, which culminates in a capstone project.
The characteristics of a Missional Church emphasize the building of the Church as the place where Christians are trained to better reach the people in their communities. In this degree program offered only in Korean, students learn best-practice methodologies for strengthening congregational health that align with classical theological disciplines.
Interested in becoming a skilled caregiver for your church and community? Our Master’s program prepares Christian caregivers and counselors to offer empathy, listening, and coaching to hurting people. Learn effective helping theories and develop your skills to serve God and others.
The chaplaincy certificates provide a basic theological and biblical foundation for any person who desires the skills necessary to be a better spiritual caregiver in their professional and personal life. Students can choose the Graduate Certificate or the Professional Certificate in Chaplaincy.
Whether your focus is on racial injustice, economic inequality, the climate crisis, war and violence, or any other issue that affects our society today, this certificate program will equip you with the tools you need to be a leader in peace and justice ministry. With coursework focused on conflict resolution, peacebuilding, and social change, you will gain the knowledge and skills necessary to make an impact within your community.
Take the first step in your seminary education with our Diploma programs. Begin your journey towards ministry roles with a well-balanced theology curriculum that focuses on core knowledge, communication, and leadership outcomes.
Students will be prepared to live a dedicated Christian life in church and daily life through courses to pursue their Diploma. This program is offered in Korean.
Three strategic initiatives designed to lead us into the future, continuing the seminary’s commitment to delivering excellent theological education while also addressing the shifting ministry needs of our world. These initiatives will allow Central to remain laser-focused on our mission of preparing leaders for seeking God, shaping the church, and serving humanity and all creation. The courageous implementation of these initiatives will ensure that our seminary will continue to serve the church and the world for many decades to come.
Step into your calling— We can make it simple.
Apply Now신실한 크리스천이자 이화여자대학교 경영대학 인사 조직 전략 교수인 윤정구 박사의 저서 『황금 수도꼭지』에 보면 이런 유럽 만화 내용이…
For too long, mental health struggles have been a quiet burden hidden in the shadows of many faith…
Upon awakening one morning recently, I realized I was already thinking about a story told by the prophet…
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We've moved! Our new address is 8620 W. 110th Street, Suite 200, Overland Park, KS 66210 |