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For too long, mental health struggles have been a quiet burden hidden in the shadows of many faith…
Upon awakening one morning recently, I realized I was already thinking about a story told by the prophet…
“유토피아와 도피 사이에서!” 동방정교회 신학자 알렉산터 슈머만의 책, 『죽음아 너의 독침이 어디에 있느냐』(비아,2022) 부록에 실린 글의 제목이다. 그는…
The mental health landscape has undergone profound changes in recent years, spurred by rising awareness and the widespread…
Over the past several years, the growing demand for mental health services has exposed critical gaps in the…
By the tender mercy of our God, the dawn from on high will break upon us, to give…
설교 준비는 마치 요리와 같다. 요리는 재료를 준비하고 여러가지 조리법으로 그 재료를 가공하여 음식으로 만들어내는 일련의 과정이다. 설교…
Central Seminary has been selected to participate in the Climate Science in Theological Education (CSTE) Grant Initiative of…
Central Seminary is a teaching and learning community that is steeped in the life and teachings of Jesus….
For the LORD your God is God of gods and Lord of lords, the great God, mighty and…
The stories that emerged in the aftermath of Hurricane Helene were heartbreaking. The hurricane’s geographical spread was so…
복음이 왜곡됨으로 나타나는 현상들 선교적 교회 운동을 하는 북미 신학자들이 선교적 본질을 잃어버린 교회와 성도의 현실에 대해 성찰한…
In November 2023, Central Seminary’s Board of Directors voted to sell our Shawnee, Kansas campus, including nearly ten…
미국 일리노이 수도인 스프링필드에는 한국전쟁 참전용사들을 기념하는 조형물이 있다. 나는 기념조형물에 적힌 글들을 읽으며 우리 한국전쟁이 얼마나 참담했었는지를…
[A mosque, a synagogue, and a church relocate from their individual locations and rebuild on a shared property…
We've moved! Our new address is 8620 W. 110th Street, Suite 200, Overland Park, KS 66210 |