/ Faculty/ Charlotte M. Rosenak
Central is on a mission to allow meaningful careers and spiritual opportunities for students. My experience as a supplemental faculty member, teaching the Interpersonal Skills class, is seeing those who come for learning on a spiritual path find an open door where God can use who they are to advance the Kingdom. My class is “hitting the nail on the head” as we try to discover the Self and discern how God can use our prior experiences to place us in a position to do the most Good for God. Learning to be mindfully present, how to be a good student of ourselves and of the Bible and of Life, communicating with colleagues and paying attention to Our Spiritual Path helps us to learn to Let Go and Let God. This is easier said than done, but those who come to Central are on that path and they work very hard to allow God’s Spirit to pull them forward. Even in difficult national climates, I notice that Central tries to bring forward the message of God’s Love, and the faculty and the administration are doing an excellent job.
I am bringing 30 plus years of experience as a Christian psychotherapist to the table to stimulate growth in my students and to challenge them to be their best, truest and highest Self, connected to God, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.