Convocation 집회

Date: August 31, 2021 6:00 pm

Location: Virtual

August 31, 2021, 6:00 p.m. (central time)  2021년 8월 31일 저녁 6시 (센트럴 타임)

Convocation is a calling together of all Central Seminary constituencies (board, administration, faculty, staff, students, and others) to refresh the community’s sense of mission, values, and identity.  It is celebrated in full academic regalia and ceremony to symbolize this institution’s commitment to demonstrated knowledge, tested scholarship, and academia’s long tradition of pursuing truth.  Convocation is held each fall and spring near the start of the school’s academic terms/semesters. 집회(컨보케이션)는 센트럴 신학대학원의 모든 구성원 (이사회, 행정부, 교수진, 교직원, 학생 및  모든 관계자) 이 함께 모여 센트럴 커뮤니티의 사명, 가치 및 정체성을 재조명하는 자리입니다.  집회 의식은 입증된 지식, 검증된 학문 및 진리 추구에 대한 학계의 오랜 전통에 대한 센트럴의 헌신을 상징하는 의미로 예복을 입고 치릅니다.  집회는 매년 가을과 봄에 학기가 시작될 무렵에 열립니다.

Fall 2021 Theme: Preparing Leaders “사랑으로 이끌어 갈 지도자 양성”

Speaker: Terry Rosell, Professor of Pastoral Theology — Ethics & Ministry Practice 강사: 테리 로젤 교수

Link to join virtually 줌 화상회의를 위한 링크 :