World Communion Chapel (English Language)

Date: October 5, 2021 5:15 pm

Location: Virtual

Order of Worship  예배 순서

Welcome – Rev. Jessica Williams  환영 인사 – 제시카 윌리엄스 목사

Scripture reading –  Job 1:1, 2:1-10 – Rev. Dr. Pam Durso  성경 구절 낭독 – 욥기 1장 1절과 2장 1절부터 10절

Sermon – Rev. Lauren Ng  설교 – 로렌 잉 목사

Communion – Rev. Angela Zimmerman  성찬예식 – 앤젤라 지머맨 목사

Song – One Bread, One Body- Rev. Dr. Terry Rosell  찬양 – 하나의 빵, 하나의 몸 – 테리 로젤 박사/목사

Prayers for the World – Hana You and Rev. Nathan Huguley  세계를 위한 기도 – 유하나, 네이슨 휴글리 목사

Benediction – Rev. Lauren Ng  축복 – 로렌 잉 목사

In this World Communion Chapel, we will be celebrating communion together virtually.  You are invited to bring bread and juice/wine, or whatever communion-like elements you have, to the virtual chapel.

이번 세계 성찬예배 시간에는 가상 성찬식이 거행됩니다.  빵, 주스, 포도주 등을 미리 준비해 두시면 좋습니다.